Wednesday 4 February 2009

''Truth is One, Paths are Many''interview with Sri Swami Satchidananda

DR: What is the most important thing you have learned?
SWAMI SATCHIDANANDA: Just be what you are, and let that divine force function through you. Don't rush -p; you don't have to become somebody. You are what you are. Accept it that way, and be peaceful.
DR: What is the greatest challenge you have ever faced
SWAMI SATCHIDANANDA: I don't think so far I have come to any challenges. I accept everything. I don't challenge anything. I just say, "That is the way it is -p; accept it."
DR: If such an important turn in your life was something which you had not planned, how important is planning
SWAMI SATCHIDANANDA: It's all right, there's nothing wrong in planning, because in a way we have a little freedom given to us. So with our individual freedom, we can plan things. But we should know that our individual freedom is limited. So if you plan something and it doesn't happen, learn to accept it.
SWAMI SATCHIDANANDA: It's all right, there's nothing wrong in planning, because in a way we have a little freedom given to us. So with our individual freedom, we can plan things. But we should know that our individual freedom is limited. So if you plan something and it doesn't happen, learn to accept it.
SWAMI SATCHIDANANDA: I think St. Francis had a prayer, something like, "Lord give me the strength to do things for the good of humanity, and at the same time if I can't achieve it, give me the courage to accept it."
DR: If you had one wish that you could make, and you knew that it would come true, what would you wish for?
SWAMI SATCHIDANANDA: My wish is that people will always do the right things, say the right things, so that they can maintain their health, happiness, and usefulness in life.

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